Career prospects
Sample maker
The Sample maker

Job description
Their tasks are creative and yet highly technical. They work in close collaboration with designers, technical fashion designers and patternmakers and graders to give life to designs. They use sewing, assembly and finishing skills to craft clothing prototypes and samples.
One of their primary missions is to craft prototypes from technical patterns. They select appropriate fabrics, cut out the pieces and assemble them using advanced couture and sewing techniques. They are responsible for the precision and quality of the construction by making sure the clothes are in line with the designer’s vision.
They equally work on clothing adjustments. Working closely with fashion designers and technical apparel designers, they modify prototypes to obtain the desired fit and form. They can make sewing adjustments, length modifications and structural changes to obtain the desired results.
The sample maker/fit technician must be rigorous and precise. They must possess a highly developed sense of couture and sewing techniques and advanced know-how in fabrics and materials and be able to understand and interpret the technical playbook. Patience, dexterity, and the capacity to work under pressure are essential skills to succeed in this job category.
With experience and advanced skills, they can move up towards managerial positions, head the dressmaking department or prototype workshop or even work independently with different companies and brands. Some specialize in specific domains like couture or haute couture, technical sportswear or costume clothing for cinema and theatre.